What the CEA Sustainability Framework Means To You

An exciting new sustainability framework in indoor agriculture was just announced, and here’s what it means to you as AeroFarms supporters! At AeroFarms, being dedicated to revolutionizing agriculture through innovative practices that move our food system forward has been in our DNA since Day 1. Along with several other indoor growers, AeroFarms helped lead the way to design the newly released CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture) Sustainability Framework created and released by the CEA Alliance.

Here’s what the CEA Sustainability Framework means to our AeroFarms supporters:

This Framework aims to give more transparency through standardized approaches for sustainability. It houses 60 different metrics supporting 20 key performance indicators across various environmental and social aspects of indoor growing. There is now standardization for metrics like:

– Natural resource and climate impacts

– Waste generation

– Food safety

– Employment practices

Our goal to make sure you can enjoy the deliciousness of our microgreens while showcasing what goes into growing our greens! At AeroFarms, our vertical farming model is designed to use up to 90% less water than traditional field farming with no pesticides. We’re the first indoor farm to become B Corp Certified, but that’s not where we stop — each year, we advance our impact and decision making to ensure our environment and customers are at the core of our farming practices.

Learn More About AeroFarms’ B Corp Practices:

One of our favorite parts about the B Corp Certification process is the transparency is allowing our customers to see – checkout our B Corp Scorecard to get a transparent view of how we’re elevating agriculture and how we address the five B Corp pillars.

See more about how we grow here and what makes our Aeroponic Advantage so unique.

First CEA Sustainability Framework, AeroFarms

Learn More About the CEA Alliance’s Sustainability Framework:

The CEA Alliance’s metrics framework is designed as a data-driven way for indoor growers to assess and communicate key impacts material to both growers and broader ESG stakeholders. It identifies opportunities for improvement and measures progress over time. Given the diverse and evolving nature of the CEA industry, the framework is simple, inclusive, flexible, and outcomes-based, making it applicable to any producer at any stage of growth or type of system.

The release of the CEA Sustainability Framework is a significant milestone in our journey towards a more sustainable food system.


Together, we can build a sustainable future for generations to come.


Read the full CEA Sustainability Framework here!  For further details on the new sustainability framework, visit ceaalliance.com/resources.

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