Rethinking salad, transforming agriculture


AeroFarms published its first story on today. Read a teaser here or see the full story at

It’s easy to associate healthy food with all things good, wholesome and sustainable. We’ve all done it. If a food is certified organic, for example it’s easier to imagine that it is packaged in a sustainable material, for example. But when it comes to agriculture and especially salad, it’s not that simple.

salad, AeroFarms

Salad greens are some of the most nutritionally dense foods in the grocery store. They offer hard to find micronutrients as well as fiber, and they’re delicious too. But as the good food movement progresses and consumers become more curious about where their food comes from, and the environmental and societal toll it’s production and transport takes, it’s time to ask, what really goes into the salad bowl?

We’re transforming agriculture. That’s what we always say on our website, in our press releases and on all of our social media. It’s something we believe in strongly and when it come to salad greens, it is much more necessary than you may think.

Found out why at

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