
AeroFarms Speaks at House Committee Hearing on Agriculture

AeroFarms Speaks at House Committee Hearing on Agriculture   AeroFarms Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer, Marc Oshima, testified in front of the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture this week to highlight the importance of Controlled Environmental Agriculture (CEA) as a means to a more resilient food system. Helping move the industry forward, Oshima discussed the benefits of

3BL Media

AeroFarms CEO Wins Responsible CEO of the Year from 3BL Media

David Rosenberg, AeroFarms’ Co-Founder and CEO, is honored as the 2021 Responsible CEO of the Year for a Public Benefit Corporation Award from 3BL Media. AeroFarms is honored to join the ranks of past recipients like Danone North America, Procter & Gamble and Campbell Soup Co. “David Rosenberg is leading the company in delivering a solution that addresses some of

AeroFarms Receives 2021 Awards

Starting 2021 Off with 3 Prestigious Industry Awards   BIG INNOVATION AWARDS AeroFarms receives the prestigious annual BIG Innovation Award honor! AeroFarms is awarded this honor in the Technology category and is the only agtech/agriculture company to make this distinguished list of awardees. The BIG Innovation Awards recognize those organizations and people who bring new

The Future of Farming? No Sun, No Soil, But Lots of Data

Humans have farmed for thousands of years, but do we have any idea what we’re doing? Maybe not, said David Rosenberg, co-founder and CEO of AeroFarms, the U.S.-based vertical farming start-up, speaking at the Fortune Global Sustainability Forum in Yunnan, China on Thursday morning. “I’ve learned how ignorant we are about how to make plants

AeroFarms Commitment to #UnreasonableImpact

At AeroFarms, everything we do aligns with our core mission – to grow the best plants possible for the betterment of humanity.  Yet we grow much more than food alone — we grow the hard-working, dedicated, visionary people that are on this mission with us, and nourish communities with fresh opportunities to thrive in a

13h15 La Cuisine du Futur

Par France 2 – France Télévisions Mis à jour le 23/02/2019 | 16:22 – publié le 21/02/2019 | 10:10 Alors que la production alimentaire occupe aujourd’hui 40% des terres cultivables et accapare 70% de l’eau potable, comment nourrir la population mondiale en 2050, quand la Terre comptera entre 9 et 10 milliards d’habitants ? L’équation semble insoluble. Et pourtant… Comment nourrir la population mondiale en 2050,

AeroFarms is on a mission to grow the best plants possible for the betterment of humanity

In the recent annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), I had the honor of hearing firsthand one of the biggest voices in Davos this year — 15-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg struck everyone to the core when she poignantly stated during her speech that “our house is on fire.” Understandably, the major focus at Davos this

Vertical farms take growing indoors

Dec 28, 2016 By: Steven D’Souza Inside a windowless warehouse once used for paintball, with planes heading to nearby Newark airport overhead, an industrial park in New Jersey seems an unlikely place to find fresh locally grown produce. With LED lights standing in for the sun, and cloth replacing soil, the plants grown at AeroFarms

AeroFarms explores vertical farming techniques

October 21, 2016 David Rosenberg, co-founder and CEO of Aerofarms, joins BNN for a look at what is takes to make one of the world’s largest vertical farms. Watch the video at

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